The concept of vaginal odor and scent is often thought to be interchangeable, but they are actually two different things. The vagina has a natural light scent just like other parts of the body, it is just the way of things, however when a vagina is overrun by bacteria or infection, it can acquire a strong musky or fishy odor far stronger than the natural light scent of the vagina. To prevent vaginal odor there are a number of ways to keep the vagina smelling fresh with a light natural scent.

Use Fragrance-Free Soap - The vagina has natural cleansing and germ-fighting properties to help keep the vagina fresh and introducing harsh chemical soaps with fragrances can mess up the normal balance of those cleansing and germ-fighting properties, initiating the vaginal odor that was meant to be prevented.

Avoid Douches - Douching can actually force harmful bacteria into the inner portions of the vagina and into reproductive track, causing the bacteria to be introduced where it shouldn’t be and causing medical issues that can lead to vaginal odor. This can cause both minor and major health issue such as PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), infections and even infertility.

Wear Loose Comfortable Underwear  - To allow the vagina to get a regular influx of fresh air, it is important to wear loose or breathable fabrics when it comes to underwear. This allows the moisture from the vagina to dry quickly keeping the moisture from creating a breeding ground for bacteria and germs to induce vaginal odor.

Be Cautious When Sexually Active - A new sexual partner or unprotected sex can lead to an overgrowth of vaginal bacteria and vaginal odor. To prevent this, it is smart to ask the men to wear condoms during sexual activity.

Eat Healthy - Another way to prevent vaginal odor is to start from the inside by eating healthy foods that supply the body with all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs to function properly. When a woman’s body is working like it should it has all the necessary means to help to fight bacteria and germs to prevent vaginal odor.

Make Sure to Shower Daily and Change Underwear - One sure way to prevent vaginal odor is to keep the vaginal areas as clean and fresh as possible. By showering daily the excess moisture of a vagina is washed away, keeping vaginal odor from occurring. The same applies with fresh clean underwear as a new pair of panties can remove the odor causing moisture before it becomes a problem.

Get Routine Vaginal Exams - One of the best ways to prevent vaginal odor is to get routine vaginal exams to catch any health issues that can cause vaginal odor such as BV (bacterial vaginosis), yeast infections and STDs.

To get more information about vaginal odor related issues, visit: http://www.getridofvaginalodor.com/

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